Notes for lecture "Somos sequences and bilinear combinatorics" delivered by Jim Propp at MIT, 10/18/00 PREPARE: Put up on board as teaser: a_{n+4} = (a_{n+3} a_{n+1} + a_{n+2}^2) / a_{n} (a_n) = (1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7, ... ) 7 = # { ... } 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -1 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 1 -1 1 0 0 0 START TALK Thanks to Michael Kleber and Sara Billey for inviting me to speak in the seminar and for hosting me at MIT this semester I wanted to give a talk entitled "The combinatorics of elliptic functions", but I don't feel entitled to yet. But I can talk about the combinatorics associated with various similar- looking recurrence relations, as a start towards assembling a general combinatorial picture of objects having "bilinear" combinatorial properties (matchings, tilings, plane partitions, nonintersecting families of lattice paths, ASMs, etc.) There are family resemblances, shared generalizations, etc., so I think there might end up being a coherent body of theory that one might call "bilinear combinatorics". On the other hand, there are some very specific questions that I haven't solved; knowing the answer to these questions would tell us a lot about what the shape of the general theory should be. Please interrupt with questions! As I mentioned in the abstract, I'm very interested in getting feedback and ideas and collaborators for this project. The basic Somos-4 sequence (part of a much bigger family of sequences): a_{n+4} = (a_{n+3} a_{n+1} + a_{n+2}^2) / a_{n} with initial conditions a_1 = a_2 = a_3 = a_4 = 1. A priori, it's a sequence of rationals; at is turns out, it's a sequence of integers. "If you get lost or bored, you can amuse yourself by proving integrality" Mention that you can give exact formulas that interpolate. Just as Fibonacci sequences <--> exponential functions, Somos sequences <--> elliptic functions. In fact, these sequences were introduced by Somos with an eye towards using them as an alternative foundation for the theory of elliptic functions (Don Zagier has mused about this too), though this program has never been carried out. (The mainstream name for these sequence and their generalizations is "elliptic divisibility sequences".) Analogies: Fibonacci Somos Linear recurrence Bilinear recurrence Exponential functions Elliptic functions Integer points on a curve Rational points on a curve of genus 0 [hyperbola] of genus 1 (numerators) Fibonacci numbers count things; so what do Somos numbers count? As combinatorialists, we are not permitted to refuse this challenge! We have to find a combinatorial story to explain integrality. To see what I mean by finding a combinatorial story, let's consider a different recurrence: a_{n+2} = (a_{n+1}^2 + 1) / a_n with initial conditions a_1 = a_2 = 1. (Not bilinear in the strict sense.) The terms are ..... just every other term of the Fibonacci sequence; what does that suggest? We know ahead of time various interpretations of the Fibonacci numbers; for instance, perfect matchings (define; say I'll call them "matchings" henceforth) Quickly verify the linear recurrence relation for matchings Interpret a_{n+2} a_{n} = a_{n+1}^2 + 1 combinatorially: Let's prove the related but simpler formula f_{2n+2} f_{2n} = f_{2n+1}^2 + 1 for the Fibonacci numbers: o---o o o---o o | | o---o o o---o o superimposed with o---o o o | | o---o o o equals o---o---o o---o o | | | | o---o---o o---o o which equals o---o o o---o | o---o o o---o superimposed with o---o o o o | | | o---o o o o Mention doubled edges ..... Point out that the proof is not truly bijective ..... The ambiguity factor is the same on both sides of the equation. ..... There's only one exceptional case: o---o o---o o---o o---o o---o o---o superimposed with o---o o---o o---o o---o equals o---o---o---o---o---o o---o---o---o---o---o which CANNOT be split up into two matchings of 2-by-4 grids. This explains the "+1" in the RHS. Note: Once you have the combinatorial model in hand, verifying the bilinear relation is straightforward, and integrality of the original sequence follows as an immediate consequence. But what would you do if you didn't have the interpretation in advance? (This is the situation we're in with Somos-4.) Algebra gives you a hint, if you generalize the problem. Replace the one-dimensional recurrence by a two-dimensional recurrence: ... a b c d e ... } } (two rows of initial conditions) f g h i } J K L J=(fg+1)/b, K=(gh+1)/c, ... ... M N ... M=(JK+1)/g, ... ... "Antifrieze patterns" On the one hand, if we put a=b=c=d=e=...=1 and f=g=h=i=...=1, then we recover the one-dimensional recurrence we started with. On the other hand, if we let the first two rows consist of formal indeterminates, then each element of each subsequent row is a rational function of those indeterminates. E.g.: M = ([J][K]+1)/g = ([(fg+1)/b][(gh+1)/c]+1)/g = fgh/bc + f/bc + h/bc + 1/bcg + 1/g The "miracle" is that each of these rational functions is in fact a Laurent polynomial (define!). (For the next row down, it's non-trivial that the rational function (MN+1)/K is a Laurent polynomial.) But more is true: every coefficient in each Laurent polynomial is equal to 1. Given that this is true, you can predict how many terms each Laurent polynomial should have. ..... If you specialize this Laurent polynomial by replacing all variables by 1, you get just the sum 1+1+..., where the sum is the number of terms. But we also know that if you set all variables equal to 1, you get a Fibonacci number. Consequently, the number of terms in the nth Laurent polynomial is the 2nth Fibonacci number. * Moreover, the structure of these Laurent polynomials gives an encoding of the combinatorial structure. * Example: the five matchings of the 2-by-4 grid. [Skip this, if time is running short! "We'll see a similar encoding later."] o---o o---o f b g c h f g h / b c o---o o---o o---o o o f b g | c | h f / b c o---o o o o o o---o f | b | g c h h / b c o o o---o o o o o f | b | g | c | h 1 / b c g o o o o o o---o o f | b g c | h 1 / g o o---o o See the pattern? ..... [Explain the pattern.] * Each exponent is +1, 0, or -1. * It's still a bit of a leap from the monomials to the matchings, but there is a one-to-one correspondence. If you were given this sequence of Laurent polynomials, you might come up with something other than matchings as a combinatorial model that governs the terms, but you'd definitely come up with something. The "grammar" of these Laurent monomials is too simple to be stymied by (it helps to have a computer). So that's an example of a combinatorial story that explains why a rational recurrence has an integer solution A general theory is a story that connects lots of smaller stories together in a systematic way. Here's a pre-systematic way to connect the story I just told you with a couple of other stories. 1) The Kenyon-Chapman generalization of anti-frieze patterns (developed through email conversations over the domino list) Why require the initial conditions to occupy two consecutive rows? Instead, try things like this: 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 (start with an up-step, end with a down-step) * * * 1 * * * * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 7 5 4 12 7 17 Combinatorial interpretation: Lattice-paths: o o o o x o o o o o o y o o Matchings: o---o / \ o---o o---o o---o / \ / \ / \ o o---o o---o o---o \ / \ / \ / \ o---o o---o o---o o \ / \ / o---o o---o How does this apply in the case we were studying? o---o o---o o---o o---o / \ / \ / \ / \ o o---o o---o o---o o \ / \ / \ / \ / o---o o---o o---o o---o \ / \ / \ / o---o o---o o---o becomes o-------o---o-------o---o-------o---o-------o \ / \ / \ / \ / o---o-------o---o-------o---o-------o---o which we recognize. 3) Kuo's graphical condensation algorithm (mention how it was found by Eric when he was an undergrad here) Give picture of Aztec diamond graph (define!) of order 3: o---o | | o---o---o---o | | | | o---o---o---o---o---o | | | | | | o---o---o---o---o---o | | | | o---o---o---o | | o---o and one of its matchings: o---o o---o o---o o o---o o o o | | | | o o o o o o | | o o o---o o---o Assign weights to edges, and to matchings. Think of weights as formal indeterminates. (So there are *lots* of variables flying around --- so many, in fact, that knowing the *weight* of a matchings tells you what the matching *is*! Moreover, the monomials encode the matchings in a transparent way; compare with the original Laurent polynomials we looked at.) Point out the 4 diamonds of order 2 (N, S, E, W) and the 9 diamonds of order 1 (with C in the Center). Show the recurrence relation D . C = edge . edge . N . S + edge . edge . E . W Remark about proof: if you superimpose a matching of D and a matching of C, it can be decomposed into a matching of N and a matching of S, or it can be decomposed into a matching of E and a matching of W, but not both. The ambiguity factor (how many ways to decompose) is the same on both sides of the equation. We've replaced the 1-dimensional recurrence by a 3-dimensional recurrence (explain). Application: Give every vertical edge weight 0, except at the equator. Verify the relation a_{n+2} a_n = a_{n+1}^2 + 1 Use the set-up to count matchings of the Aztec diamond graph of order n: ..... 2^{n(n+1)/2} (set all variables equal to 1!) It's worth mentioning here a different 3-dimensional recurrence associated with Aztec diamonds, which looks more like the antifrieze recurrence. Create variables x(n,i,j) where n = 0 or 1 and i and j have the same parity as n. Define M(n,i,j) = x(n,i,j) for n = 0 or 1, and for n > 1 define M(n,i,j) for by the OCTAHEDRON RECURRENCE M(n,i,j) M(n-2,i,j) = M(n-1,i-1,j-1) M(n-1,i+1,j+1) + M(n-1,i-1,j+1) M(n-1,i+1,j-1) (a special case of Mills-Robbins-Rumsey's lambda-condensation algorithm, with lambda = 1; lambda = -1 correspond to the Dodgson condensation algorithm for computing determinants). With lambda = 1, we end up with 2^{n(n+1)/2} terms, each a Laurent monomial with coefficient 1. Moreover, each exponent is in each monomial is +1 or -1 or 0, and the rule for exponents generalizes something we saw earlier: a o---o b | c | d o---o---o---o e | f | g | h | i o---o---o---o j | k | l o---o m a 0 o---o b c d 1 0 0 o o o---o e | f | g h i --> 0 -1 0 -1 1 --> b i j / f h o o o---o j k l 1 0 0 o---o m 0 Fact 1: The pattern of exponents uniquely determines the matching. Fact 2: If you just look at the variables in level 0, or the variables in level 1, and ask "what patterns of exponents can you see for those variables?", you re-invent alternating sign matrices. (In fact, if your name is David Robbins, and it's the late 1970s, this is how you invent ASMs in the first place!) Fact 3: This combinatorial model (matchings of Aztec diamonds graphs) gives the nicest known way of proving that the octahedral recurrence gives Laurent polynomials. So here's a case where combinatorics has something to offer to algebra. So there are lots of instances that fit together. (I'm not even talking about Dodgson condensation, number walls, etc.) Some general features of the theory: 1. DIMENSIONALITY (1<-2<-3): 1-dimensional recurrences are specializations of 2-dimensional recurrences which in turn are specializations of 3-dimensional recurrences (but it seems to stop there) [The 2-by-2n example] 2. INTEGRALITY <- LAURENTNESS: Numerical recurrences that a priori they should generate sequences of rational numbers but (surprise!) generate sequences of integers are specializations of multivariate recurrences that a priori should generate sequences of rational functions but (surprise!) generate sequences of Laurent polynomials. [Antifrieze recurrence] 3. ENUMERATION: These Laurent polynomials are _enumerators_ that count combinatorial objects. They're halfway between algebra and combinatorics: each coefficient is 1 (that's what having lots of variables buys you: lots of variables means lots of exponents in any given monomial, which means lots of information --- enough to encode the combinatorial object). [Antifrieze recurrence] 4. NICE MODELS: ROUTINGS AND MATCHINGS: Often these combinatorial objects are interpretable as perfect matchings, or as lattice paths, or as families of non-intersecting lattice paths (which I like to call "routings"; is that standard? .....). 5. NOT-SO-NICE MODELS: ARRAYS OF EXPONENTS. This "model" is a cheat; it just records the exponents from the Laurent monomials. (Tacit assumption: all coefficients equal 1. In many cases, we have no proof of this assumption, but lots of evidence.) These exponents are (demonstrably or conjecturally) uniformly bounded. (E.g., +1s, -1s, and 0s.) It's easy to go from the nice models to the not-so-nice; harder to go the other way. 6. INITIAL CONDITIONS <- BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Some of the variables are "initial conditions" of the recurrence. You can make this boundary have lots of different shapes, without sacrificing "Laurentness". [Kenyon-Chapman] What about Somos-4? I can tell you how to get a "not-so-nice" combinatorial interpretation. It's doubly not-so-nice, because it hinges on the conjecture that a generalized Somos recurrence with lots of variables in it gives Laurent polynomials forever, and that all these infinitely many Laurent monomials have coefficient 1. Replace the one-dimensional recurrence a_{n+4} = (a_{n+3} a_{n+1} + a_{n+2}^2) / a_{n} by the three-dimensional recurrence S(n,i,j) S(n-4,i,j) = S(n-1,i-1,j) S(n-3,i+1,j) + S(n-2,i,j-1) S(n-2,i,j+1) where S(n,i,j) = x(n,i,j) for n = 0, 1, 2, and 3. (Two alternative points of view: 1) This is a different octahedral recurrence. 2) This is the ordinary octahedral recurrence, but now the initial conditions lie on a tilted plane.) Challenges: Can we decode the two-dimensional grammar of these arrays, as Mills, Robbins, and Rumsey did with lambda-condensation? This will give us a combinatorial model of the Somos-4 numbers. (Bonus: If we can infer the grammar, proving that everything works the way it's supposed to is likely to be a fairly easy induction, and we'll have eliminated the conjectural element.) But this model will be expressed in terms of algebraic conditions on arrays of 0s, 1s, -1s, and other small numbers: what I've called a "not-so-nice" model. Can we then go on to find the nice combinatorial model that underlies the not-so-nice model? Why "compelling"? 1. The study of Somos sequences has been hampered by the lack of good models. There is no known proof, for instance, that the three-parameter family of recurrence relations a_{n+k} = (a_{n+i} a_{n+k-i} + a_{n+j} a_{n+k-j}) / a_{n} all yield integer sequences; even proving it for special cases of i, j, and k involves difficult computer algebra with theta functions. I suggest that these facts will become near trivialities once we have the right models. 2. The study of the octahedron recurrence led to the discovery of ASMs. So this looks like a fertile area. 3. Perfect matchings and ASMs are both instances of exactly solvable stat mech models. So it would not be surprising if, as we study other bilinear recurrence relations, we run into other stat mech models, and solidify the link between the two subjects. 4. Other links: elliptic functions, theta functions, algebraic geometry; integrable systems, solitons. 5. Just within combinatorics: Lots of times we encounter functions like the MacMahon numbers H(a,b,c) = prod_{i=0 to a-1} prod_{j=0 to b-1} prod_{k=0 to c-1} (i+j+k+2)/(i+j+k+1) with properties analogous to binomial coefficients C(a,b) = prod_{i=0 to a-1} prod_{j=0 to b-1} (i+j+2)/(i+j+1) (mention that H(a,b,c) counts constrained plane partitions / lozenge tilings). There's a whole rich-framework for binomial coefficients: additive recurrence relations (Pascal's triangle) and generating functions (1/(1-x-y) has them all). What's the analogous framework for the MacMahon numbers? The obvious encoding via generating functions satisfies no algebraic relations. But these numbers do satisfy bilinear relations, and we need to learn how to make the best use of this. We need a theory that can pick up where generatingfunctionology leaves off. 6. "So close, yet so far": Suppose for the moment that, as the data attest, the multivariate Somos-4 recurrence gives an infinite sequence of Laurent polynomials, and that all the coefficients of all those Laurent polynomials are equal to +1. Then I can generate all the Somos-4 objects of order n, for any n you pick, just by applying that recurrence. And yet: I have no idea what the inherent, structural, combinatorial properties of the Somos-4 objects *are*! (Roughly trapezoidal.) Why "accessible"? 1. At least we can generate the objects. We're in the unusual position of being naturalists, getting to identify a new species by observation rather than by combinatorial fiat. The Somos-4 objects are a new kind of combinatorial object. We observe them in "the wild" (via the Laurent polynomials that list them) and try to infer the nature of the beast. 2. Maple has a very easy time with recurrences like this. I can supply code. E.g., here's a complete program to compute the (conjectural) multi-variate Laurent polynomials that generalize Somos numbers: somos := proc (n) if (n <= 3) then v(i,j); else simplify((subs(i=i-1,somos(n-1))*subs(i=i+1,somos(n-3)) +subs(j=j-1,somos(n-2))*subs(j=j+1,somos(n-2))) /somos(n-4)); fi; end; 3. There are lots of sub-problems, with inter-related answers. An important one is the cube recurrence F(i,j,k) = (F(i-1,j,k) F(i,j-1,k-1) + F(i,j-1,k) F(i-1,j,k-1) + F(i,j,k-1) F(i-1,j-1,k)) / F(i-1,j-1,k-1) where F(i,j,k) = x(i,j,k) if i+j+k is 0, 1, or 2. Here again, we seem to get exclusively Laurent polynomials, and all the coefficients are +1. If we replace all the variables by 1, we'll count the objects themselves. That sequence is governed by the recurrence a_{n+3} = 3 a_{n+2} a_{n+1} / a_{n} which is easily solved (all terms of the sequence are powers of 3). Jeopardy: The answer is 3^{floor(n^2/4)}; what is the question. To mix game-show metaphors: Algebra is the emergency "life-line" that may give you a chance. Please contact me if you're interested in finding our more and/or helping figure out the rest of the story: