
Erik Kuo, on his article about graphical condensation proved the following theorems:

Theorem 1

Let G=(V1,V2,E) be a weighted planar bipartite graph in which |V1|=|V2|. Let vertices a,b,c and d appear on a face of G, in that order. If a,c belong to V1, and b,d belong to V2, then:

W(G)*W(G-a-b-c-d) = W(G-a-b)*W(G-c-d) + W(G-a-d)*W(G-b-c).

Theorem 2

Let G=(V1,V2,E) be a weighted planar bipartite graph in which |V1|=|V2|. Let vertices a,b,c and d appear on a face of G, in that order. If a,b belong to V1, and c,d belong to V2, then:

W(G-a-d)*W(G-b-c) = W(G)*W(G-a-b-c-d) + W(G-a-c)*W(G-b-d).