In 2012, I gave a talk at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute entitled Wild Beauty: Postcards from Mathematical Worlds. The website for the event as a whole has links to the images featured in my talk, created by mathematicians Jeremie Bettinelli, Alexander Holroyd, Richard Kenyon, Lionel Levine, Jason Miller, Perla Sousi, David Wilson, and Ben Young.

In 2013, I gave a talk at Carleton College with the same name: Wild Beauty: Postcards from Mathematical Worlds. It's a very similar talk. The sound quality isn't as good as the 2012 version, but my presentation is much better (I'm looking at the audience instead of my notes!).

In 2013, in conjunction with the UMass Lowell Honors Program, I gave a short explanation of my approach to teaching Honors Calculus.

In April 2014 I gave a talk called Math, Magic, and Mystery at the University of Connecticut math department's awards ceremony.

In 2014, I gave three talks through ICERM, entitled Negative Numbers in Combinatorics: Geometrical and Algebraic Perspectives, Derandomizing randomness with rotor routers, and Circumventing Schmidt's bound on discrepancy using tapered estimators.

In 2014, I gave two talks at the 11th Gathering for Gardner: The Programmable Galton Board: A Shameless Shill and Conway's Impact on the Theory of Random Tilings.

If you type my name into YouTube, you'll find several videos that were created Google Hangout on Air as a way of conducting teleconference meetings of my research group "EQL" (short for "Exploring Quasirandomness at Lowell").

In April of 2017, I gave a talk at the Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses ("BAHFest"), and won first prize for my talk on why the dinosaurs really went extinct (and what humankind needs to do to make sure that we don't meet the same fate). Hint: It's about gravity. I've also posted a Q-and-A I did after the event, telling the story of how I came to give the talk.

In 2018, I gave a talk at the 13th Gathering for Gardner: You Can't Count to Thirteen in Base Two-and-Three.

In 2019, I gave another talk at BAHFest, this time about Eclipses, Awe, and Evolution. I also was the guest on Episode 44 of the podcast My Favorite Theorem; I spoke about the Constant Value Theorem, which was also the subject of my Mathematical Enchantments essay that month. Finally, in the summer of 2019 I gave a talk at the Museum of Mathematics called "The Wall of Fire Theorem: A Story of Mathematical Discovery".

In 2020, I created a satirical Pi Day video called "The Truth about Pi". In a more serious vein, I gave a talk (aimed at an undergraduate audience) called Packing in one, two and three dimensions.


In 2007, I did a half-hour interview on the now-defunct WUML Sunrise radio program (WUML is the UMass Lowell radio station). You can hear me talk about the nature of mathematical proof and other things.

I presented a bad theory of dinosaur extinction at the 2017 Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses; you can hear a radio piece about it that was broadcast on WGBH radio the following week.

Some of my Mathematical Enchantments essays are available in audio form; specifically, essays 0, 1, and 48 (as of May 2019).