Below are ten statements concerning X, a whole number between 1 and 10 (inclusive). Not all of the statements are true, but not all of them are false either. What number is X? 1. X equals the sum of the statement numbers of the false statements in this list. 2. X is less than the number of false statements in this list, and statement 10 is true. 3. There are exactly three true statements in this list, or statement 1 is false, but not both. 4. The previous three statements are all false, or statement 9 is true, or both. 5. Either X is odd, or statement 7 is true, but not both. 6. Exactly two of the odd-numbered statements are false. 7. X is the number of a true statement. 8. The even-numbered statements are either all true or all false. 9. X equals three times the statement number of the first true statement in this list, or statement 4 is false, or both. 10. X is even, or statement 6 is true, or both.