1. kingdom order class -> phylum (taxonomy) 2. bogart bacall lennon -> ono (Humphrey & Lauren, John & Yoko) 3. men wheat boys -> chaff (separate the ... from the ...) 4. emit time mite -> item (anagrams) 5. blitzen donder vixen comet -> cupid (original reindeer names) 6. lambda kappa theta eta -> iota (Greek letters) 7. kill steal covet bear -> commit ("no-no" verbs) 8. joseph benito winston franklin -> adolf (Western leaders during WW II) 9. bobby jan greg marcia cindy -> peter (Brady kids) 10. handle king sauce pan crab -> apple (king-crab-apple-sauce-pan-handle) 11. deer cheep eye neigh bye -> cell (or cel) (homophones of antonyms) 12. it about all read extra -> extra (cliche) Final: mi fa do ti re la -> so (or sol) (notes of scale) It's been pointed out to me that "hie" and "high" (homophones of "hi", which is the opposite of "bye", which is a homophone of "by") are also possible answers to number 11. Ah well. My apologies if this tripped you up. By the way, about those reindeer: If you want to know why I used "Donder" rather than "Donner", check out http://www.cknow.com/info/donder.html .