S . S . L . Minutiae for April 8, 2004 [ These minutes would be a barren wasteland, were we to include only the important facts pertaining to actual work accomplished. A dispensation will therefore be made not to exclude the nullspace of today's events from their report. After all, the kernel is the most important part. ] Snacks and notes for next tuesday: Brendan (what a guy!) [ Carl arrives exactly one minute later than Paul had guessed, and so, he lost a ten million dollar bet. The rest of the Sizzle team convinced Carl that they had just proved the quotient rule, as appeared on the board. ] [ John added: And, ``"'' We're not being sarcastic at all! ``"'' ] No one has very much to report, but everyone knows exactly what they need to work on: Sam -- continuing to write up the proof of an identity used in the Newton's method problem. Carl -- working out the relative primality details in the Newton recurrence when b=0 or c=0, and writing it up. Paul/Emilie -- continue working with their recurrences in the lab Martin -- continue working on some C code. John -- read over what people have written up, and help out in ways that only a Post Doc can. OK! To the Batcave! [ A small debate arises, confirming that the Batcave is actually not in B119 nor in B107, but, rather, on B3, since even if you were to paint the black walls of the Batcave white, or remove its many computers, it would still be the Batcave; however, were it moved to the 5th floor, it could no longer rightly be called the Batcave. ] All work diligently in the Lab. [ Hal mentions RADICAL PACIFISM (as opposed to ordinary pacifism), and, over typing up SSL work, a crazy debate ensues over its implications. ] [ Sam suggests: "Why don't you just leave this all out ... it's so ridiculous!" ] Back to B119 for snack. Thanks for the bagels Sam! Question: Does Einstein's have unleavened bagels? Back to B107. [ the imitation-brand 'batcave' ] Hal looked at some C code that Martin had, which apparently was very bad. They discussed the archaicness of Fortran, and how that may have contributed to the badness of the code. Carl finished showing that P_n and Q_n are still relatively prime when either b=0 or c=0 (but not both). There was a slight scare when realized that it is _not_ true for b=c=0, but that only lasted until we realized that that fell under the case where b^2-4ac=0, (i.e, double roots) which is what we'd expect. Paul/Emilie continued working on maple stuff. Jim What do you see as being the main bottlenecks now? Are there any mathematical bottlenecks? If you want to use graphics in your writeups, you can. Although you are encouraged to learn how to do these things, others can do the graphics for you, if we get to crunch time. Would it be a good idea to make a deadline? Paul wants to explain "why" they're doing 2D lifting recurrences in the first place. John Should we try to finish the writeup in 'chunks'? (ie, Sam likes working in group environment (ie, SSL in B107), feels it's most productive way (like, for getting help with how to do TeX stuff) Hal likes deadline idea. Jim Let's set a deadline for tuesday the 20th. We can mention the stuff that we didn't have time to prove, but at least we will be sure to have something to send out. If you later finish it, you can always add it then. You have perpetual rights to your work in the future! [ A blessed holiday to all you celebrating! ]