Minutes for 1/27/04 Notetaker today: Paul Snacks today: Jim Notetaker for 1/29/04: Hal Snacks 1/29/04: Sam (Meeting commences) Jim: Brendan is our new person. Since he's not here, we wont go around with names. (We go around with what we did over break) Jim: I went to Boston, Connecticut, and gave talks about Roter-rooters. I also am looking for someone to code some Java for me. It would be a paid position at 10.00/hour. Sam: Had a hectic break. Looked at everyone's websites. Paul: Visited my grandparents. Carl: Not hectic, but full break. Didn't do a whole log of SSL stuff. But did write a creative summary of my work last semester. Emilie: Worked on Markoff graphs. Worked with the "grid displacement/vertex preserving" operations. Found out which way you can move the grid and still create a triple. (Enter Brendan. Brendan walks gallantly from the door to an empty seat between John and Hal. Brendan sits.) John: Had the flu. Long recovery. Brendan: Made 7'x2'x4' paper mache bucky and placed it on Bascom hill. Jim: I had some regrets about not pranking at MIT. Wanted to put a function on a grid in an elevator that read L(eta). Hal: no SSL stuff. Did some programming. Visited family. Martin: Wrote up a document about run times of different ways to do the Fibonacci numbers. Wants to calculate automorphism groups. Wants Magma. Jim: Nigel Boston has Magma. Jim will ask Nigel about MAGMA. Brendan will ask Isaacs about what he uses to compute automorphism groups. (Group goes around with math related courses for the semester) Jim: teaching Math 475. Sam: Number theory, second semester algebra. Paul: Topology Carl: Cryptography Emilie: Number theory, CS 367 John: not teaching, but researching. Brendan: 2nd sem Topology, 2nd sem Algebra(742) Hal: no classes Martin: theoretical CS, Grading for 475. (Group goes around with projects they are interested in) Jim - Not doing SSL research. Wants to write up some stuff done in REACH. Sam - Newton's method. Carl - Lifting hypothesis. Tilings of the plane. All attempts to prove the formula for coeffs of Newtons method inductively have failed. (Discussion ensues between Sam and Carl about the trivialness of the induction process as it relates to Newton's method) Jim mentions the generalization of Newton's method with q numbers. Paul: Newton's method. Emilie: Continue with work on tilings of Markoff and his brothers. Main question: How to get all triples from the lattices? John: Nothing specifically. Interested in Newton's method and crossover between dynamical systems and combinatorics. (Jim explains a connection in billiards. To figure out if a billiards ball, allowed to bounce for a large amount of time will "fill" the table, that is, the ball's position will be dense, we can extend the table into imaginary tables and look at the cutting sequence. This is reminiscent of the Markoff grid.) Martin, Hal and Jim discuss the motivation and implications of finding if the Markoff graph is an expander graph. Jim explains how one can figure it out by looking at the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of a particular graph. Say you have eigenvectors v1, v2, v3,... to the adjacency matrix of a graphs with eigenvalues n, a, b, c,... respectively, in descending magnitude. Then any vector v will be a linear combination of those eigenvectors, so v = Av1+Bv2+... So Mv = Anv1+Bav2+... so (nI-M)v = B(n-a)v2+C(n-b)v3+... and (nI-M)^2 v = B (n-a)^2 v2 + C (n-b)^2 v3 + ... We can keep multiplying like this to approximate the value of a (which is the second largest eigenvalue, and therefore the spectral gap. The only condition is that B not be zero. Three more things 1. Read each others stuff and give feedback. 2. Photos 3. Gaskets.